Pinnacle Safety and Training Blog

Pinnacle’s Regional Managers cook for a cause

On 28 June, Pinnacle Safety and Training’s Operations Director, Wayne Johnson and our team of Regional Managers spent the afternoon ‘cooking for a cause’ with OzHarvest.

Founded in 2004, OzHarvest is Australia’s leading food rescue organisation.

As Wayne explained, OzHarvest collects quality excess food from commercial outlets and delivers it to local charities who support people in need across Australia.

“OzHarvest rescues over 180 tonnes of food each week from over 3,500 food donors including supermarkets, hotels, airports, wholesalers, farmers, catering companies, shopping centres, delis, cafes, restaurants, film and TV shoots, and even airlines,” Wayne said.

“They then deliver this food to more than 1,300 charities across the country.”

“During our time at OzHarvest, we used rescued food to make 212 meals for people in need.”

“It was a fantastic afternoon and a great way to give back to the community,” Wayne said.

“We all talk about wanting to help the less fortunate, but to actually have the opportunity to give our time and cook meals for families and the homeless who have no idea where their next meal is coming from, was a feeling like no other.”

Samantha’s knowledge and advanced techniques displayed, explained and taught helped improve my skills. Because of these contributing factors I thoroughly enjoyed this training course, and believe she is a credit to your team at Pinnacle. I look forward and hope to train alongside her in the future.

Brendan M. - Sydney, NSW

Kordia Solutions Tower Climbing and Rescue