Student Login

Login to e-Learning

If you have already enrolled in one of Pinnacle’s e-Learning courses, you’ll need two things to get started:

1. Your username and password

At the time you enrolled, this was sent to you in an automated email. The subject of the email was “Your username and password [Pinnacle Safety and Training]”. We encourage you to search your email for this. Remember to check your Spam, Bin, or Trash folders.

2. The link to log in to Pinnacle e-Learning

Once you have your username and password, click this link to get started:

I have completed my course and would just like to say thank you so very much for all your assistance during my training. Honestly Pinnacle Safety and Training has been the absolute best RTO I have used and will definitely be doing further training with you. Your assistance and support has been second to none and I cannot praise your support enough. Again thank you and I look forward to further training with your organisation (possibly Cert IV Training and Assessment) in the very near future.

Andrew S. - Upper Coomera, QLD

Public Course Participant Diploma of Work Health and Safety